Summer Sizzle Event Roster
Syllabus Events
Elementary Newcomer Rhythm (Cha Cha)
Elementary Latin (Samba)
Elementary Ballroom (Waltz)
Elementary Rhythm (Swing)
Junior High Newcomer Rhythm (Cha Cha)
Junior High Latin (Samba)
Junior High Ballroom (Waltz)
Junior High Rhythm (Swing)
High School Newcomer Rhythm (Cha Cha)
High School Latin (Rumba)
High School Ballroom (Quickstep)
High School Rhythm (Swing)
Adult Syllabus Rhythm (Cha Cha)
Adult Syllabus Smooth (American Waltz)
Adult Syllabus Rhythm (Swing)
Solo Events (No Partner Needed!)
Elementary Rhythm (Cha Cha)
Elementary Latin (Samba)
Elementary Ballroom (Waltz)
Elementary Rhythm (Swing)
Junior High Rhythm (Cha Cha)
Junior High Latin (Samba)
Junior High Ballroom (Waltz)
Junior High Rhythm (Swing)
High School Rhythm (Cha Cha)
High School Latin (Rumba)
High School Ballroom (Quickstep)
High School Rhythm (Swing)
Open Events
PreTeen Pre-Champ Latin (CC, S, R)
PreTeen Championship Latin (CC, S, R, PD, J)
PreTeen Pre-Champ Ballroom (W, T, Q)
PreTeen Championship Ballroom (W, T, VW, F, Q)
Junior Pre-Champ Latin (CC, S, R)
Junior 1 Championship Latin (CC, S, R, PD, J)
Junior 2 Championship Latin (CC, S, R, PD, J)
Junior Pre-Champ Ballroom (W, T, Q)
Junior 1 Championship Ballroom (W, T, VW, F, Q)
Junior 2 Championship Ballroom (W, T, VW, F, Q)
Junior Pre-Champ Smooth (W, T, F)
Junior Championship Smooth (W, T, F, VW)
Junior Championship Rhythm (CC, R, SW, B, M)
Youth Novice Latin (S/R)
Youth Pre-Champ Latin (CC, S, R)
Youth Championship Latin (CC, S, R, PD, J)
Youth Novice Ballroom (W/Q)
Youth Pre-Champ Ballroom (W, T, Q)
Youth Championship Ballroom (W, T, VW, F, Q)
Youth Pre-Champ Smooth (W, T, F)
Youth Championship Smooth (W, T, F, VW)
Youth Championship Rhythm (CC, R, SW, B, M)
Youth Cabaret
Adult Novice Latin (S/R)
Adult Pre-Champ Latin (CC, S, R)
Adult Championship Latin (CC, S, R, PD, J)
Adult Novice Ballroom (W/Q)
Adult Pre-Champ Ballroom (W, T, Q)
Adult Championship Ballroom (W, T, VW, F, Q)
Adult Novice Smooth (W/F)
Adult Pre-Champ Smooth (W, T, F)
Adult Championship Smooth (W, T, F, VW)
Adult Pre-Champ Rhythm (CC, SW, M)
Adult Championship Rhythm (CC, R, SW, B, M)
Adult Cabaret
Senior (35+) Championship Latin (CC, S, R, J)
Senior (35+) Championship Ballroom (W, T, F, Q)
Senior (35+) Championship Rhythm (CC, R, SW, M)
Senior (35+) Championship Smooth (W, T, F, VW)
Student/Teacher Events
Latin Single Dances (CC, S, R, PD, J)
Ballroom Single Dances (W, T, VW, F, Q)
Smooth Single Dances (W, T, F, VW)
Rhythm Single Dances (CC, R, SW, B, M)
Show Dance
(All Student/Teacher Events will be offered in the following age categories:
Pre-Teen: 11th birthday or less
Junior: 12th through 15th birthday
Youth: 16th, 17th or 18th birthday
A1 (19-30)
A2 (31-50)
B1 (51-70)
B2 (70+)
Team Match